Legal information
The domain is owned by “Asociación para la Digitalización de la Industria de Galicia (DIHGIGAL)” with NIF – G-27.877.166, located in Avda de Citroën, Number 3 y 5, 1ª Floor, 36210 Vigo (Pontevedra) and telephone 986.213.790, registered in the Galician interest foundations, section of the Ministry of Economy and Industry, with 2006/20 number.
The website and all the domains and directories included under it (hereinafter jointly referred to as Portal), fulfill the function of general information and attention to the citizen in the terms of what is established in article 4 of Royal Decree 208/1996, of February 9th, which regulates administrative information services and citizen service.
The Digital Innovation Hub of the Galician Industry (DIHGIGAL), is not responsible for the replies made through the different email addresses that appear on its portal, except those of the department itself, so that in no case may it be derived binding legal effect of them in the terms of the provisions of the article 4 of Royal Decree 208/1996.
In order to keep the information published on the portal updated, its contents may be modified, corrected, deleted or added at any time, so it will be convenient to verify the validity or accuracy of the same by going to official sources.
The design of the portal and its source code, logos, brands and other distinctive signs that appear on it belong to the Digital Innovation Hub of the Galician Industry (DIHGIGAL) and they are protected by the corresponding intellectual property rights.
In accordance with current regulations on data protection, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27th, 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation) and the Organic Law on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD, Law 3/2018 of December 5th), the Cluster Foundation of Galician Automotive Companies, CEAGA, undertakes to fulfill its obligation of secrecy with personal data that may be requested through the services of this Web and the duty to treat them with confidentiality. For these purposes, the necessary measures will be taken to prevent its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access. At all times the user may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition by sending an email to
The total or partial reproduction of the contents of the portal is prohibited without mentioning their origin or requesting authorization.
Personal Data Protection Policy
1. Object
The present conditions will regulate the use that the holder puts at the disposal of the users of the Web, which will be able to be modified without previous notice, so that its periodic consultation is recommended, still more when it is arranged to make an effective use of products and/or services.
2. Access and use conditions
The access to the web is free and it attributes to the person who makes it the condition of User, who will be able to access the contents or even contact its administrators.
The User must therefore read, understand and accept these conditions of use before proceeding to browse and/or use the services, which will imply their express acceptance and adherence to the terms and conditions set out below:
i) Commitment to the diligent use of resources, in strict compliance with the legislation in force, with respect for good customs, that is, the set of rules for general behaviour on the Internet.
ii) The User will accept the terms and conditions or bases of participation of a specific service or resource when these are necessary, which will be explicitly required in its case.
iii) The User will not be able to use the Web outside the terms accepted by these conditions of use, specifically for illicit purposes, contrary to morality or public order in any of its expressions, or constituting a crime.
Similarly, if comments or entries of opinions are allowed, the Owner will not be responsible in any case for the opinions expressed by third parties, although he reserves the right to withdraw or even not publish those that are offensive or inappropriate or, failing that, when he has actual knowledge of the content of the published one.
3. Intellectual and Industrial Property
The Owner has all the rights over the Web, its logos, structure, images and constituent elements of the object code, as well as the programming and engineering of the source code. All these elements, in addition to the publications included, are protected by Spanish and European regulations on intellectual and industrial property.
Any reproduction, adaptation, modification or public communication of all or part of the contents of the Web, carried out in any form or by any means, mechanical, manual or other, without the express authorisation of the owner, is prohibited.
Any link made to the Web must be directed to the home page, prohibiting the creation of deep links or links to content other than that mentioned. Similarly, the practice of browsing on frames is forbidden.
4. Personal data protection
The Owner has adopted all the security measures, both technical and organisational, required by data protection regulations, more specifically according to Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data and Regulation 1720/2007 on Security Measures. All information in this respect can be found in the section entitled “Privacy Policy“.
5. Legislation and jurisdiction
These General Conditions are subject to the Spanish legal system, submitting any dispute to the courts and tribunals, renouncing any other general or special forum that may correspond to them.