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The Supercomputing Centre of Galicia (CESGA) is integrated as a member of the Offer Commission of the Digital Innovation Hub of the Galician Industry. Its incorporation reinforces the Hub’s capacities in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC), one of the technological nodes identified as strategic by the Digital Europe programme.
The Supercomputing Centre of Galicia (CESGA) is integrated as a member of the Offer Commission of the Digital Innovation Hub of the Galician Industry. Its incorporation reinforces the Hub’s capacities in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC), one of the technological nodes identified as strategic by the Digital Europe programme.
CESGA is the computing centre, high performance communication systems and advanced services of the Galician Scientific Community, the university academic system and the National Council of Scientific Research (CSIC). Its mission is to contribute to the advancement of Science and Technology, through the research and application of high performance computing and communications, as well as other information technology resources, in collaboration with other institutions, for the benefit of Society. CESGA’s main objective is to promote research and the use of intensive computing, advanced communications and the development of information and communication technologies, as an instrument for sustainable socio-economic development, paying special attention to the cooperative relations between public or private research centres and the productive sector.
CESGA has advanced infrastructures aimed at increasing the research and technological capacity of the scientific community and the industry. The high quality of the available infrastructures, and its singularity in Spain, has motivated the recognition of the facility as a Singular Scientific-Technological Infrastructure of Spain (ICTS). The most significant infrastructures are designed to provide great computing power in scientific-technological environments by means of different architectures, as well as advanced communications networks that allow the Galician scientific-technological community to access national and international academic-scientific networks by means of large bandwidths. There are also other infrastructures related to information technologies that provide a wide variety of complementary services.
Moreover, CESGA is a reference centre at international level, participating directly and indirectly in projects of this level. Therefore, in addition to providing DIHGIGAL with its own capacities already mentioned, it provides an important network of contacts, a fundamental issue given the international vision of the Hub.
From DIHGIGAL we welcome CESGA as a fundamental element to achieve our objective: to promote the digital transformation of Galician companies.
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