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The Digital Innovation Hub of the Galician Industry will organise together with SIEMENS a workshop to highlight the importance of cybersecurity in current industrial environments and its evolution for the factories of the future. The workshop will be held on Wednesday 4 May in the auditorium of the FEUGA building, a member of DIHGIGAL, in Santiago de Compostela.
During this meeting, InprOTech, Tecdesoft, Muutech and Vodafone will participate as companies with extensive experience in security and prevention systems. The agenda of the event will be completed by the University of Vigo, which will talk about education and skills of this emerging technology, and Abanca, which will tell the process of improvement that they carried out in the monitoring of their security.
The workshop is organised within the framework of the Galician Digital Innovation Hubs Strategy of the Galician Innovation Agency, which will also be present in the programme together with IGAPE.
Those wishing to attend this in-person event can find out about the full programme by following this link. Due to the capacity of the hall, it is necessary to register in advance by filling in a short form.

ASSOCIATION FOR THE DIGITALISATION OF GALICIAN INDUSTRY is an initiative developed within the framework of the Galician Digital Innovation Hubs Strategy, promoted by the Xunta de Galicia.
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