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Industry 4.0 Digitalisation Projects – IG240
📢 Today we would like to share with you the project being carried out by the company MEGALTA thanks to the Industry 4.0 #IG240 Digitalization Grants.
The comprehensive digitalization project, supported by IGAPE assistance, consists of the implementation of an MES (Manufacturing Execution System)💻, a software focused on production control that monitors and documents the management of our plant🏭.
In addition, its impact extends to other key departments of the company, such as management, the commercial department and administration.
To carry out this project, they have the experience of the company Inycom,, recognized for its extensive experience in the implementation of this type of projects🤝.
This project has been co-financed by the of IGAPE – Galician Institute for Economic Promotion, the Xunta de Galicia and the European Regional Development Fund, as part of the 2014-2020 operational program💰.
#DigitalTransformation DigitalizationIndustry40 #EficienciaOperativa #MEGALTA #OperationalEfficiency #IGAPE
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