DIHGIGAL and the largest Galician tractor companies come together to ad vance in digital transformation
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At a meeting held on Wednesday at CEAGA’s headquarters, the Galician Industrial Digital Innovation Hub, DIHGIGAL, set up its Technological Demand Commission with the participation of driving companies in the Galician economy such as Stellantis, Abanca, Pescanova, Navantia or Vegalsa and others of smaller size such as Adhex Tech Tapes, Grupo Emenasa, Congalsa, Ibercisa or TI Fluid Systems.
This meeting constituted the first intersectoral forum in the industry to work around a common challenge: “to place the companies of the Galician industrial system in a position of competitive leadership at a global level through innovation and digital transformation, developing differential capacities and generating opportunities in collaboration with the ecosystem ”.
The objective was focused on large companies, together with SMEs, sharing joint interests. As a result of this first meeting, which will have a monthly frequency, solutions were identified and progress was made in the strategy and design of future collaborative projects that can increase the competitiveness of companies and promote job creation and, in addition, that can be bankable by public aid.
In this context, Igape presented the current status and the next lines of action of the European Next Generation funds, at national and regional level, of interest to identify multisectoral tractor projects.
DIHGIGAL intends to promote the Digital Transformation of the main value chains in Galicia. It has been designated as strategic by the Galician Government and is promoted by the Galician Automotive Cluster (CEAGA), the Naval Cluster (Aclunaga), the Food Cluster (Clusaga) and the ICT Cluster. It brings together more than 450 companies, among which are the drivers of these four value chains, together with a large majority of SMEs, adding a turnover equivalent to more than a third of Galicia’s GDP and generating more than 53,000 direct jobs.
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