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The Digital Innovation Hub of the Galician Industry (DIHGIGAL) has just obtained the Seal of Excellence of the European DIH programme, which will make it possible, among other things, to apply for new European, national and regional funds to promote the digitisation of SMEs in the Galician industry.
In this area, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism will make available to the 24 Spanish hubs that have received recognition, a programme of 37 million euros (2022-23), which will provide aid to companies to access DIHGIGAL services (from training or advice on digital transformation, to innovation projects). The aim of DIHGIGAL is to mobilise as much demand as possible for these services in order to channel digitalisation funds to small and medium-sized companies in Galicia’s industry.
On the other hand, this Seal of Excellence will allow Galician industry to have access, through DIHGIGAL, to programmes such as “Digital Europe”, with a budget of 7,500 million distributed in several calls linked to innovation and digitisation of companies. In addition, this recognition strengthens the international position of the Hub and, therefore, of the Galician industry, boosting its participation in possible European consortia.
DIHGIGAL is the digital hub of the industry, declared strategic by the Xunta de Galicia and whose function is to connect technological demand and supply. The Hub’s members include more than 450 companies, including both tractor companies and SMEs, with a turnover equivalent to more than a third of GDP and generating more than 53,000 jobs. Together with them, there are the most significant agents of the technological offer represented by the Business Factories, technological centres such as CESGA and ITG, the 3 Galician universities, Abanca or the companies of the ICT cluster, among others.
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