DIHGIGAL on the podium of Europe’s top data DIHs by receiving Gold i-Space Label award
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The Digital Innovation Hub Industrial de Galicia has been recognised by the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) with the European distinction “Gold i-Space Label” which accredits it as one of the 15 best data innovation entities at European level to help drive the adoption of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technologies in industry.
After a thorough evaluation and review, the BDVA Board of Directors decided to recognise DIHGIGAL in the highest category (Gold Label) together with other European organisations. DIHGIGAL thus enters the podium of the best Digital Innovation Hubs in Europe in the field of data and artificial intelligence.
DIHGIGAL, which led the candidacy with reference entities in these technologies such as the Galician Supercomputing Centre (CESGA), or the Centre for Research in Information and Communication Technologies (CITIC), together with other knowledge centres, becomes one of the strategic poles at European level, thanks to this accreditation.
The Big Data Value Association (BDVA) is an international industry-driven organisation with more than 230 members. It functions as the private counterpart of the European Commission to implement the Big Data Value PPP programme, which aims to position Europe as a world leader in Big Data value creation. The BDVA’s representativeness has grown gradually until a few days ago, when they announced the constitution of the Data Spaces Business Alliance together with Gaia-X, FIWARE Foundation and the International Data Spaces Association. This gives a voice to more than 1000 entities: industry, associations, research and innovation organisations and policy-makers at a global level, around what they have called the “data-driven future”.
DIHGIGAL will be awarded the Gold “i-Space” Label at the European Big Data Value Forum 2021 to be held on 30 November in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This event is the flagship of the European Big Data and Data-Driven AI Research and Innovation community and, in previous editions, attracted up to 2000 attendees. It is organised in collaboration with DG CNECT under the Slovenian Presidency of the European Union and will be a unique opportunity for DIHGIGAL to be presented as a Gold i-Space Label to the entire European Big Data ecosystem.
GOLD Label:
- AIR4S (España)
- PRODUTECH DIH (Portugal)
- ahedd (Attica Hub for the Economy of Data and Devices) (Grecia)
- Gemini (Noruega)
- Stichting Smart Connected Supplier Network (SCSN) (Alemania)
SILVER label:
- DataLife (España)
- Transilvania Digital Innovation Hub (Rumanía)
- nZEB Smart Home DIH (Grecia)
- Cybersecurity Hub, z.s. (República Checa)
- Edinburgh International Data Facility (EPCC) (Reino Unido)
- Latvian IT Cluster DIH (Letonia)
- Algebra Lab (Croacia)
- Plan4All (República Checa)
- Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH (Austria)
- Belgrade Data Innovation Hub (Serbia)
- DIH TECHNICOM (Eslovaquia)
- ECIPA (Italia)
- DIH4AISEC (Alemania)
- Machine Intelligent Garage (Reino Unido)
BRONZE label:
- UDG (Montenegro)
- Minasmart (Francia)
- Munich Innovation Hub for applied AI (Alemania)
- Innovation Cluster Drachten (ICD) (Países Bajos)
Source: https://www.bdva.eu/node/1857
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