INTERTECH4.0 project partners work on the creation of the Galician digital resources map
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The INTERTECH4.0 project, funded by MINCOTUR through the call for grants for the Support of Innovative Business Groups (AEI), continues to work on its work to create a cross-sector platform for 4.0 solutions and an incubator for digitalisation projects. At this point, the partners are working on a mapping of the digital resources found in Galicia’s industrial sphere.
Among the tasks to be carried out in the coming weeks are the categorisation and cataloguing of existing resources in the strategic and industrial sectors of Galicia, as a starting point for the creation of the map. In addition to direct contact with the technological supply and demand entities for the validation of these resources and the type of contact that both parties will have within the platform.
The consortium of this project, formed by DIHGIGAL, CEAGA, CLUSAGA, ACLUNAGA, Cluster TIC, Pisa – Innovation Projects and TripleAlpha, will organise various activities in the coming months to define the means and knowledge necessary for the creation of the intersectoral platform.
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