The project to create a cross-sector platform for 4.0 solutions and an incubator for digitisation projects is underway.
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The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism of Spain has granted an aid for the Support to Innovative Business Groups (known as AEI) to the intersectoral consortium formed by Clusaga (Galician Food Cluster), Aclunaga (Galician Naval Cluster), CEAGA (Galician Automotive Cluster), ICT Cluster, DIHGIGAL (Association for the Digitalisation of Galician Industry) and the SMEs, Pisa – Proyectos de Innovación and TripleAlpha.
The general objective of the project, called INTERTECH 4.0, is to materialise the interaction between industrial sectors around an intersectoral platform to promote the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, as well as the implementation of R&D&I actions linked to it. The specific objectives are to connect technological supply and demand and to identify collaborative and driving projects among its agents.
This ambitious initiative will promote transversal technology transfer in the manufacturing industry, boosting the supply-demand connection and the generation of driving projects in Galicia, which will enable the implementation of digitalisation and Industry 4.0 to be promoted. This will create an intelligent and cooperative space that is totally innovative and transgressive for the region, capable of connecting technological supply and demand, favouring the generation of new collaboration opportunities for the traction of the main economic sectors towards a cutting-edge technological environment.
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