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The University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) is integrated as a new member of the Digital Innovation Hub Industrial and becomes part of the Technology Offer Commission. USC’s membership will bring to the Hub its scientific capabilities in applied research and technological innovation in the ICT field, with a great experience of relationship and collaboration with the business environment.
USC is a public university dedicated to the preservation, generation, transmission and dissemination of knowledge in a socially responsible way and in connection with the demands and challenges of Galician society. The University is made up of the Santiago and Lugo campuses, where a total of 50 degrees and 11 double degrees are taught, as well as 68 master’s degrees and 55 doctoral programmes, together with a wide range of its own degrees, diplomas and postgraduate courses, all aimed at preparing students and orienting them towards professional activities. This institution is a pioneer in the development of entrepreneurship policies, the promotion of R&D&I and the transfer and valorisation of its research results.
Likewise, to support the field of research, the USC has ten institutes, eleven research centres of its own (including the USC Centre for Research in Intelligent Technologies (CiTIUS), two joint centres and five unique research centres due to its proximity to DIHGIGAL).
This University also offers a wide range of support services for teaching and research activities, support in management and administration and services to promote the well-being and personal development of the members of the university community.
From DIHGIGAL we welcome the University of Santiago de Compostela as a key element to achieve our goal: to promote the digital transformation of Galician companies.
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